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Pro všechny kdo mluví trochu anglicky a chovají

Fórum: Rady

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Autor Zpráva
Blažková Hana

Založen: 23.03.2009
Příspěvky: 345

Předmět: Pro všechny kdo mluví trochu anglicky a chovají
PříspěvekPřitlapkováno: 12. 11. 2009 17:33:55
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pro všechny chovatele, kteří mají doma kočičku s krevní skupinou B a mají problém prvních 48 hodin s odstavem koťátek jsem objevila na Yahoo velmi zajímavý návod na odchovy těchto miminek.

As some of you may already know my girl Gortenzia is a blood type B girl and that I decided to go ahead and breed. I know there are many who would elect to spay a type B girl, but I went ahead and bred her to my type A male. I would not choose to have another type B female again, but I will certainly continue to use her in my program - she is a SUPERB mom.
Many of you already know, but some may not, that a Type B female should not nurse her own kittens for the first 24 hours if she is Bred to a Type A male. Antibodies in her colostrum will attack the Type A blood cells in Type A kittens and they will die. This means kittens pulled from mom won't be exposed to the dangerous antibodies that could harm or kill them.....but they also will not recieve the GOOD antibodies that jumpstart their immune systems either! Kittens can only absorb these antibodies through their guts for the first 16 hours of life, so by the time kittens are allowed to nurse on mom again (24 hours after birth) any chance of mom imparting any immunity is gone.
I have had numerous discussions with other breeders about the problems this breed already has with weak immune systems. I was very torn about producing a litter of kittens that could potentially have an even bigger challange with their immune systems. I decided to do research and see if their was anyhing I could do for them to give them a better jumpstart in life. I found something online that talked about antibodies being given to a baby animal from serum added to a formula after it was first born. To be perfectly honest, I don't remember now what species was even used, but the concept made total sense to me. The plasma of any animal contains everything but red blood cells in the blood, serum is plasma without clotting factors. They contain antibodies just like colostrum would.
I went to my vet and discussed the possibility of doing this with my kittens. She had never heard of it, but did her research and found a specialist who knew of this procedure being found to be successful in horses. He said he would guess that it would also be successful in cats. We didn't have access to serum from a Type A cat, but there is an animal blood and plasma bank in town where we had access to fresh frozen plasma from a Type A donor cat. For their third feeding (wanted them to have the hang of the whole syringe feeding thing before attempting the dosing as we had only enough plasma for one dose each) we gave them the mixture of palsma and formula. I had to mix the formula for each kitten individually and feed it immediately so that the formula wouldn't have time to start clotting.
To date none of them have had any health issues. They are 16 weeks old. I plan on keeping in touch with their new families to see if they continue to have healthy immune systems. My vet submitted this case to the Veterinary Information Network and it made the front page on the site. This is pretty cool since they get something like 500 submissions a week according to my vet.
I wanted to share this with everyone as I think it is very worthwhile to consider if you are going to breed a type B female. It was about $300 total, but split among six kittens the cost is really nothing if it provides them a chance at better health. Heck - it may even be worth it for people who have catteries where they are experiencing a lot of problems with weak immune systems. Anyone interested in the protocol can contact me and I will find out the details on dosage again from my vet (the exact number of cc's escapes me at the moment)

Hanka Blažková
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Založen: 05.08.2008
Příspěvky: 150
Bydliště: Ostrava

PříspěvekPřitlapkováno: 12. 11. 2009 19:45:39
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Hani děkujeme Vám moc Smile

Izzy & Nammu & Jimmy Blue Smile
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Blažková Hana

Založen: 23.03.2009
Příspěvky: 345

PříspěvekPřitlapkováno: 12. 11. 2009 23:37:15
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Izzy napsal:
Hani děkujeme Vám moc Smile


není vůbec zač, myslím že po dohodě s veterinářem a popřípadě s člověkem který tuto zajímavou informaci zveřejnil, určitě stojí za to, to v případě potřeby zkusit. kontaktní email je
přeji všem krásnou dobrou noc
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